Monday, January 8, 2007

I'm here!!!

As a political science major and American girl, I feel like a kid in a candy store here. On my drive from the airport, I saw Cheney's house and freaked out. I never thought I would actually see this stuff with my own two eyes. Washington is an amazing city, but then you all know I love the atmosphere of large urban centers. There are people bustling everywhere, rushing from one point to another. People are friendly too. I've met several locals who have offered me advice and tips. Here's a recap so far:

I've already been asked what the White House looks like in person. I have mixed reviews. One, it is surrounded by an iron black fence and security are everywhere. I know all of this is necessary, but I felt like it somehow diminished its overall beauty and symbolic significance. Only when I zoomed in with my camera could I see it in more detail. I'm hoping my connections will help me land a tour of the president's crib. Still, I felt an overall feeling of pride and sense of nationalism for my home country--corny, I know. The Washington Monument is simply a giant triangular column. It was cool to see and use as a prop for fun/indecent photos. Also, flags are at half-staff in honor of Gerald Ford, which evokes a feeling of reverence for the late president who governed before my time. Georgetown is super cute. The shopping is amazing--all the stores a girl could ask for and more. The cobblestone roads and houses take you back to 1789. As the more ritzy area, it is not unusual to see people driving ferraris or sporting pearls.

In comparison to Davis, the night life here rocks. On my second night, I went out with several of the UCD kids, and we rocked The Front Page (A perfect spot for the journalist in me). Even though it was in the meat market, aka Dupont Circle, the music and drink specials made it an absolutely fun/crazy time. I also checked out the Mad Hatter and competed in a "dance-off" with this wasted white guy who asked me what my name was four times (a record for me). Even though he declared himself the winner, I clearly out-danced him. HA! And, buying alcohol (not at a bar) is challenging. The liquor laws here only allow you to buy the hard stuff on weekdays, before it gets dark. Also, no liquor is sold on Sundays.

My suitemates are awesome. My roomie, Jenaye, is wonderful, and we get along really well. Unlike my freshman year, I lucked out this time. It does feel like moving into the dorms again, meeting new people and discovering who you're compatible with.

Other random stuff:
-Cosi is the La Bou of Washington. There is one on every corner.
-Driving is more reckless here than in SoCal. Cars run lights and don't care about pedestrians.
-The Metro is just like BART, which made it easy to figure out.
-People do not dress as casual here.
-It doesn't really snow in Washington. When it does, the whole city shuts down. People say it probably won't snow here this winter. :(
-My cousin said locals refer to the area as Washington, not DC.

I'm still taking it all in, absorbing as much as I can. It's still sinking in that I will be living here for 2.5 months. I will try to share as much with you as possible. I'm leaving out some details (boy stories, class, and other personal stuff), but feel free to call whenever, and I'll fill you in.

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